Neuroimaging includes various techniques to produce either directly or indirectly images of the structure and function of the brain. (神经影像学包括各种直接或间接产生大脑结构和功能图像的技术。)
_ Structural imaging 结构成像
It deals with the structure of the brain and the diagnosis of gross (large scale) intracranial disease (such as tumor), and injury. 它涉及大脑的结构和严重(大规模)颅内疾病(如肿瘤)和损伤的诊断。
_ Functional imaging 功能成像
It is used to diagnose metabol c diseases and lesions on a finer scale (such as Alzheimer's disease) and also for neurological and cognitive psychology research and building brain-computer interfaces. 它被用于在更小的范围内诊断代谢疾病和损伤(如阿尔茨海默氏病),也用于神经学和认知心理学研究,以及构建脑机接口。
Neuroesthetics 神经美学
Neuroesthetics is an attempt to combine neurological research with aesthetics by investigating the experience of beauty and appreciation of art on the level of brain functions and mental states. 神经美学是神经学研究与美学相结合的一种尝试,它从大脑功能和精神状态的层面考察审美体验和艺术欣赏。
The recently developed field seeks the neural correlates of artistic judgment and artistic creation. 最近发展 领域寻求艺术判断和艺术创作的神经关联。
The logic of art is often discussed in terms of whether it is guided by a set of universal laws or principles. 艺术的逻辑常被讨论为是否是由一套普遍的法则或原则指导的。
Gaetano Kanizsa 1913-1993 was an Italian psychologist and artist, founder of the Institute of Psychology of Trieste. 盖塔诺·卡尼萨(Gaetano Kanizsa, 1913-1993)是意大利心理学家和艺术家,是里雅斯特心理学研究所的创始人。卡尼萨是意大利心理学的领军人物,在发表了一篇文章后,于70年代成名。
A figure in which three illusory contours form a triangle is known as a Kanizsa triangle. 用三条虚幻的轮廓构成一个三角形的图形称为Kanizsa三角形
Nendo studio designed this lamp to commemorate the tenth anniversary of iconic Bourgie table lamp by Kartell.
Because the design inverts both the lamp’s figure-ground relationship and our regular sense of up and down, it was named ‘Eigruob’. 因为设计颠倒了灯的形状-背景关系和我们通常的上下感觉,它被命名为“Eigruob”
Demonstrations of size distortion of occluded objects (after Kanizsa and Gerbino 1982). 被遮挡物体大小失真的演示(在Kanizsa和Gerbino 1982年之后)。
Left: an amodally completed object appears smaller than an unoccluded version. 左:一个模态完成的对象看起来比一个未包含的版本小。
Right: implied occlusion expands the apparent size of the visible portion of the object. 右:隐含遮挡扩大了物体可见部分的表观大小。
The basis of the triangle becomes invisible as it is embedded in a group of parallel lines (Galli and Zama). 三角形的基础变得不可见,因为它嵌入了一组平行线(加利和扎马)。
Not two asymmetrical figures juxtaposed, but two overlapping different figures 不是两个不对称的人物并置,而是两个重叠的不同的人物
The consultation rooms are entered by sliding the bookshelves sideways. The door at the end of the hallway opens onto a window; the amount of light in the hallway is controlled by opening and closing the door. 咨询室通过书架的侧面滑动进入。走廊尽头的门通向一扇窗户;走廊的光量由门的开启和关闭来控制。
The ‘Doors’ that line the walls of the clinic do not open,and 'ordinary' parts of the walls open up into new spaces. 墙上的“门”是不会打开的,而墙上的“普通”部分可以打开进入新的空间。
Design Primario 主要的设计
The shapes of the immaterial 非物质的形状
variations in the temperature of the light to the reverberations of sound, from the color synth sis to tactile resilience: phenomena which become interfaces rich in emotional valence. 从光的温度变化到声音的回响,从颜色的合成到触觉的弹性:这些现象成为富有情感的界面。
Artificial environment 人工环境
The technological developments (optoelectronics, microclimatics, etc.) 同时出现的技术发展(光电子、微气候等),加强了感官体验作为每一个美学考虑的中心的维度。
Design Primario 主要的设计
Design Primario seeks to group some professional figures born in the beginning of the 80's,Design Primario 试图将一些生于80年代初的专业人士分组,由于原创学科视野的单一主体的创造性工作,自主视角在其起源,他们今天参与室内设计项目,更具体地说
Lighting Design, Sound Design, Color Design, etc. 灯光设计、声音设计、色彩设计等
Design Primario:
Examples of space analysis 设计Primario:空间分析实例
A. physical orientation and position in space 在空间中的物理方向和位置
B. physical security 物理安全
C. relaxation 放松
D. time perception 时间观念
E. contact with nature and with people 亲近自然,亲近人
F. definition of a personal territory 个人领地的定义
Design Primario:
Examples of space analysis 设计Primario:空间分析实例
A – phy ical orientation and position in space A-在空间中的物理方向和位置
1.perception of the progression in space by means of scanning of horizontal reference lines (gouges, expansion joints, graphics…) 通过扫描水平参考线(凿痕、伸缩缝、图形……)来感知空间的进展
2. emphasis in signaling dangerous edges in staircases andcorridors 强调在楼梯和走廊的危险边缘发出信号
3. clear definition of circulation intersections 明确交通路口的定义
Skin 皮肤
Skin is a word that has long insisted on the language of architecture and - more broadly - in the world of design “皮肤”这个词长期以来一直是建筑语言,更广泛地说,也是设计世界的语言。“皮肤”是理论反思和研究的主题,是许多建筑文章的完美标题,是展览和活动的页面标签。
Two-dimensional surfaces. Our interest is moving from thedeep structure of matter towards its surface qualities.
· 二维表面。我们的兴趣是从从物质的深层结构到它的表面性质。 ·在一个二维的世界里,表面和皮肤传达了一种感觉,我们过去常常把它与紧密、坚实和致密的物质联系在一起。
· 材料的表面在功能(性能,保护)方面起着重要的作用,但它也涉及到情感交流(颜色,光泽,不透明度)。
Thickness and weight 厚度和重量
To better understand the phenomenon of "skin" is appropriate to introduce some distinctions, for example, related to the different areas of the project: interior, architecture, product design. 材料的厚度、重量和数量的逐步减少,在可持续性方面无疑是积极的,特别是如果新产品和材料能够保证同样或更好的性能。为了更好的理解“皮肤”现象,适当的介绍一些区别,例如,涉及到项目的不同领域:室内、建筑、产品设计。
Sensorial surfaces 感觉的表面
We are potentially able to design a “surface quality”, even before choosing the material. 我们有可能在选择材料之前设计出“表面质量”
Soft qualities 软质地
The skin has a dual purpose: the correspondence with the architectural body and the physical contact with the inhabitants.
Resin coatings 树脂涂料
Epoxy and polyurethane resins are two families that define a wide range of polymer products, which enable to obtain synthetic chemical / physical characteristics sometimes similar to those of stone, cement, ceramics, glass and wood 环氧树脂和聚氨酯树脂是定义广泛的聚合物产品的两个系列,它们能够获得有时类似于石头、水泥、陶瓷、玻璃和木材的合成化学/物理特性。
Resins are not to be identified exclusively with the flooring, which represent a recent application 树脂不能只与地板一起识别,表示最近的应用程序。树脂是传统产品的替代品涂层和保护多种支撑,内外,
Spatial effect 空间效应
Minimal interiors are the result of elimination of any decoration and hiding of the construction detail. Resin floors highlight objects and furnishings. 简约的室内设计是消除任何装饰的结果以及隐藏施工细节。树脂地板突出物体和家具。
Freedom 自由
Resins can show bright primary colors or soft pastel colors, total white or absolute black, combined with a wide range of finishes, spatula effect, cloudy, or strictly uniform surfaces. 树脂可以表现出明亮的原色或柔和的粉彩,完全的白色或绝对的黑色,结合广泛的抛光,抹刀效果,混浊,或严格均匀的表面。这种颜色效果是通过混合树脂化合物与其他材料:骨料,石英,金属粉末。这种树脂可能类似石头、灰泥或墙壁的一些装饰处理,但可以自由地创建任何类型的装饰和外观。
Gold/silver leaf 黄金/白银叶
Concreo: cemento non cemento 混凝土:非混凝土
Concreo is a concrete-effect panel for interior design, wall cladding, furniture, lighting elements, modern and innovative scenography, dropped ceiling and design objects and many other new emerging applications. 混凝土是一种混凝土效果的面板,用于室内设计,墙壁覆层,家具,照明元素,现代和创新的透视,下降的天花板和设计对象和许多其他新兴的应用。
Pro: 正方观点
_ less invasive (formworks no longer required) ·侵入性更小(不再需要模板),
_ lightness ·轻巧
_ workability ·可加工性
_ transport costs ·运输成本
_ maintenance and disposal 维修及处置
Dlayer: Design covering system
Cemento Flex is similar to a sandstone and looks like a skin slightly thicker than 2 millimetres: light, flexible, malleable and adaptable. 弹性水泥类似于砂岩,看起来像略厚于2毫米的皮肤:轻巧、柔韧、延展性和适应性强。
Cemento Flex is made of 95% natural material deriving from sandstone stone processing waste and 5% water-based binders 伸缩水泥由95%的天然材料来源于砂岩处理废料和5%的水基粘合剂制成。产品的自然性被触摸感知,并通过与光线的互动增强,突出了每一件单品的三维特性和独特性。
Oxide cement can have a smooth surface or designed with rhomboid shapes (Rumble), these shapes further enhance the material's three-dimensionality. 氧化水泥可以有光滑的表面或菱形设计(隆隆声),这些形状进一步增强了材料的三维性。
Flexible marble 灵活的大理石
Stress of material 材料的压力
A new chance of use, environmentally friendly and rational considers the reduction of thickness, important. 设计师洛伦佐·达米亚尼(Lorenzo Damiani)和Pusterla公司合作推出了 些由薄大理石或花岗岩板制成的物品,它们是弯曲的,甚至是折叠的。桌子,椅子和长凳,多亏了他们的设计和制造,挑战正常材料一样高尚的传统概念,从来没有使用过这个新版本:弯曲的形状,而直到现在只能获得铣削的块,现在只需产生弯曲薄大理石石板,以创造惊人的项目,大幅节省材料。
Decostone : Laminated stone 层压石
This material can be used for a very wide range of applications: furniture, interior & exterior walls, vehicle, ship, trade show exhibits, flooring, kitchen counter top, etc. Decostone是一种来自大自然的产品,它是由真正的石头从劈开的板岩。 板材的厚度为1.0-2.0 mm。床单是可像HPL层压板一样卷曲。每一张纸在纹理、颜色和外观等特点上都是不同的。这种材料可用于非常广泛的应用:家具,内外墙,车辆,船舶,贸易展览展品,地板,厨房台面等。
Features 特性
The veneer is reinforced on the back and held together by fiberglass and polyester resin bond. It can be applied to wood structures, as in the production of furniture. 背面的胶合板由玻璃纤维和聚酯树脂粘合而成。它可以应用于木结构,如家具的生产。板岩和石英岩是这一过程的最佳材料,(沉积成因的石头)。粗糙的表面和颜色的连续变化使每一件作品都是独一无二的,因为它源于自然。该产品的轻度支持其在家具、室内建筑和航海用品领域的使用 。
New techniques, new markets 新技术,新市场
Digital printing creates a big impact on market, because it allows great flexibility and highly customized products, with absolute freedom of choice of images with a high degree of definition 数码印刷对市场产生了很大的影响,因为它允许很大的灵活性和高度定制的产品,拥有绝对自由的选择图像的高清晰度目前有几种方法用于传输图像,其选择与支持、使用环境和成本有关。有时数字印刷是替代传统技术的一种方法,如塑料层压板的丝网印刷。在另一些地方,它代表了一种新的工艺(如玻璃、石材和陶瓷)。数字印花技术已在纺织领域得到了发展。例如,塑料层压板的主要生产商现在可以将设计师或客户选择的图像应用到单个面板上。
The Essling Bar
The ‘Groupe’ Margiela sofas, covered in white linen and cotton, face each other and are linked by low tables whose size is amplified by mirrors. 地板和天花板通过黑白错视画的分割效果相互匹配。地板上的羊毛地毯上印着古典风格的天花板设计,天花板上则装饰着同样图案的壁纸。墙壁上覆盖着传统的法式镶板,颜色为灰白色,这些镶板本身就显示出过去从未存在过的痕迹,只留下绘画和灯光的轮廓。“Groupe”Margiela沙发,覆盖着白色亚麻和棉布,面对面,由低矮的桌子相连,这些桌子的尺寸被镜子放大了。
Design your slabs 设计你的石板
Service promoted by Iris Ceramica Group, which allows for the reproduction of any image or illustration on FIANDRE ceramic surfaces. Iris Ceramica集团推广的服务,允许在FIANDRE陶瓷表面复制任何图像或插图。
_ uniqueness 独特性 _ customization 定制你的板系统的设计可以装饰任何尺寸的板,无论是传统的、最大的还是定制的,
Range of tables, rectangular or square for indoors or outdoors, with tops made of porcelain laminate bonded with glass. 一系列的桌子,长方形或方形,适合室内或室外,顶部由陶瓷层压板与玻璃粘合。
因此,桌面是自支撑的,钢腿直接连接到顶部。三种尺寸:100x100 cm, 100x180 cm, 100x240 cm。卢卡·尼凯托选择了一个诗意的装饰,花的照片是由摄影师朋友马西莫·加登拍摄的。这些图像被升华后印在瓷器上。
Digital printing of HPL laminates 数字印刷HPL层压板
Most important producers offer the possibility to print any kind of laminate digitally decorated with images that come directly from the designer’s computer. 最重要的生产商提供了打印任何一种带有直接来自设计师电脑图像的数字装饰的层压板的可能性。
The idea can travel digitally via Internet to the plotters of the company, which is capable of producing even a single sheet of any type of product. 这个想法可以通过互联网数字化传播到公司的绘图仪上,而绘图仪甚至可以生产任何类型产品的一张纸。打印的纸张是通过正常发送的生产周期,以获得所需格式的层压板(通常高达305x130厘米)。
Advantages: 优点:
_ simplicity and speed of the process that can be applied to flat surfaces, curves with the only constraint of the panels dimension 简单和速度的过程,可以应用到平坦的表面,曲线与面板尺寸的唯一约束
_ panels keep the same technical characteristics of the normal product and color rendering is very faithful to the initial image. 面板保持了正常产品的技术特性,色彩渲染非常忠实于初
Immaterial surfaces 将虚拟非物质的表面
Hyper reality 超级现实
The installation HYPERSKY by Clemens Weisshaar and Reed Kram is a digital fresco of the 21st century, seamlessly integrated in the ceiling of the entrance hall of a private residence. 由Clemens Weisshaar和Reed Kram设计的装置作品HYPERSKY是21世纪的一幅数字壁画,它与私人住宅门厅的天花板无缝地结合在一起。HYPERSKY是一个向上看的增强现实窗口,揭示了当前的自然条件和人造物体在房子上方飞过的空域。
Extending human perception 延长人类知觉
Night 晚上
At night automatically switches to a view of the starry sky enveloping the house, though not the actual perceived sky which would be rarely visible due to the lights of the city nearby — rather each planet, star 晚上会自动切换到一个视图的星空包络的房子,虽然不是实际感知到的天空将很少可见由于附近城市的灯光,而每一个行星,恒星,星座,球状星团和星系计算并绘制实时显示表面上,创造一个活的地图真正的动态物理条件。雷达系统接收飞机发出的信标,显示它们的当前位置、起点和目的地。卫星跟踪系统与在线数据库协作,显示每颗卫星经过数百公里上空时的位置、速度、高度和所有者。
Weather 天气
During heavy rain or winds the HYPERSKY automatically switches to abstract displays of the rain drops falling onto a virtual liquid surface 在大雨或大风时,HYPERSKY自动切换到雨滴落在虚拟液体表面的抽象显示,或在房子周围流动的风的热力学可视化。